Brain Coaching for High Performance
Brain Health Professional, Coach Jonna is committed to providing the best high performance plan for the dedicated Professional, Actor and Health conscious individual! Consultations included a Brain Type Assessment conducted by Coach Jonna, Review of Supplements/Vitamins from BrainMD and an action plan for moving forward to a Brain and Body Fit Life.
Purchase your Supplements here: Coach Jonna's BrainMD Affiliate
30 min Consultation with Brain Coach Jonna, CCP
Brain Type Assessment, Custom Supplement/Vitamin recommendations and a Take Action Plan!
Brain and memory power boost (high performance)
Our most advanced, best-selling memory formula with a lineup of powerful nutrients clinically proven to help protect circulation in your brain, boost mental connectivity, sharpness, and sustained focus.
Calm my brain
Relieve anxiousness with this highly effective formula of three pure and potent ingredients: the calming mineral magnesium, stress-busting herb ashwagandha, and fast-acting amino acid l-theanine.