Drug and Substance Abuse Guided Formulas

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Drug and Substance Abuse Guided Formulas


These Guided Formula Meditations will help in playing a substance abuser. Helping you dig deep into the Why you're using the particular drug and understand the actual feeling that takes place when under the influence. The psychological, emotional and physical aches you character needs to organically portray.

These are great for Actors who want to keep it safe on set and not actually ‘use’ the drug to give truthful performances and for Actors who have never before experienced the use of the particular substance.

Note* Read pages 213-216 of “The Power of the Actor” for specific Drug behavioral rituals.

Whats individual Audios are Included :

Emotional Chemistry

Sexual Chemistry

Drunk (Eyes)

Drunk (Tounge)

Drunk (Legs)

Marijuana High

Heroin High

Withdrawal Symptoms (Heroin)

Cocaine/Crystal Methedrine


Psychedelic High

Addictive Personality


-Guided by Coach Jonna

Once you Purchase you will automatically receive Emotional Chemistry, you must Email CoachedByJonna@gmail.com to be WeTransfered all others in this package. Once you received this link and the WeTransfer, YOU MUST DOWNLOAD them permanently to your device. They are yours but the link will expire and you will not have access to them after.

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